Submission of Manuscripts for Proceedings
The submitted regular manuscripts will be published in Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (JNN), Thin Solid Films, and Functional Materials Letters, Materials Express, Applied Science and Convergence Technology (ASCT), Physics of Plasmas, Plasma Research Express, Micromachines after peer reviews.
In order to be included in the journals, at least one of the authors should attend the conference and make a presentation in the assigned session.
The manuscripts should be prepared in MS-Word format.
The registration fee does not include the publication charge. The accepted manuscript will be published in the journals with a fee.
(The exact fee will be notified later.)
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (JNN) 
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (JNN) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal with a wide-ranging coverage, consolidating research activities in all areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology into a single and unique reference source. JNN is the first cross-disciplinary journal to publish original full research articles, rapid communications of important new scientific and technological findings, timely state-of-the-art reviews with author's photo and short biography, and current research news encompassing the fundamental and applied research in all disciplines of science, engineering and medicine.
- Topics
Topics on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology include:
Synthesis of Nanostructured and Nanoscale MaterialsNanofabrication and Processing of Nanoscale Materials and DeviceAtomic and Nanoscale Characterization of Functional Materials and Bio-assembliesNanoprobes, Properties of Nanoscale Materials, NanocatalysisNanocomposites, Nanoparticles, Nanocrystalline Materials, and NanoclustersSuperlattices, Quantum Dots, Quantum Wires, Quantum Wells, Nanoscale Thin FilmsFullerenes, Nanotubes, Nanorods, Molecular Wires, Molecular NanotechnologySupramolecules, Dendrimers, Self-Assemblies, Low-dimension StructuresNanophysics, Nanoelectronics, Nano-Optics, Nanomagnetism and NanodevicesAtomic Manipulation, Computational Nanotechnology, Molecular NanoscienceNanochips, Nanosensors and Nano-integration, Nanofluidics, NanomachiningStructure Analysis at Atomic, Molecular, and Nanometer rangeNanorobotics, Nanotribology, and Novel Applications of Nanostructured MaterialsNanobiotechnology, Biochemical Assemblies, BioMEMS, Biomimetic MaterialsNanoscale Genomics, DNA Sequencing, Nanomedicines, Drug Delivery, Biomedical Nanotechnology
- Please prepare your manuscript according to Instructions for Authors.
- Publication Fee: USD 550 per paper
- Paper Submission Deadline: February 28, 2021
- Paper Submission System
- JNN Full Paper Format
- Graphical Abstract
- JNN Copyright Transfer Agreement
It is sole responsibility of the authors to submit their final accepted manuscript in correct English language, free of all typographical/grammatical errors to meet high publishing standards. All authors from non-English language countries should get their final accepted manuscripts copyedited by professional copyediting services at author's own expense. All copyediting services are fully paid for and arranged by the authors. Manuscripts will be processed for publication on a condition that authors submit a certificate of proof along with their final accepted manuscript. A list of professional copyediting editing services can be found below.
- SUBMISSION OF MANUSCRIPT: Authors are kindly advised to read JNN policy before submitting their manuscript to JNN Editors. Authors are encouraged to submit high quality original research work that has not been published or nor under consideration by other journals or conference proceedings elsewhere. Authors should submit manuscript electronically either as a Microsoft Word file to the Editor-in-Chief , MS Word file to save time for the reviewing process.

Materials Express 
Materials Express (MEX) is an international multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal reporting research on the synthesis, characterization, properties, and applications of a very wide range of materials from physical sciences to engineering to life sciences. In particular, the journal aims to report advanced materials with interesting electronic, magnetic, optical, mechanical and catalytic properties. A broad spectrum of the research topics on materials are covered.
- Topics
Research topics covered (but not limited to):
Inorganic materials: ceramics, layered materials, microporous and mesoporous solids, zeolites, silicates, synthetic minerals, biogenic minerals, nanomaterialsOrganic materials: organometallic precursors for thin films/ceramics, novel molecular solids and synthetic polymers with materials applications, polymer composites, liquid crystals, nanomaterialsElectrical properties: metals, alloys, semiconductors, superconductors, ionic conductors, electroceramics, dielectricsOptical properties: luminescence, phosphorescence, laser action, nonlinear optics, photoconductivity, photochromism, photovoltaics, resists, glasses, amorphous semiconductors, optical modulationMagnetic properties: ferro-, ferri- and antiferro-magnetism, organic magnetism, spintronics, magnetic bubbles and information storageChemical properties: ion exchange, molecular separation, functionalization, catalytic action, sensor action, electrochemistry, photo-electrochemistryStructural properties: crystal growth and structure analysis, structure-defect analysis, ceramics, refractories, hard materials, protective coatings, composites, adhesives, prosthetic applicationsMechanical properties: strength, elasticity, plasticity, ductility, malleability, fracture, corrosion resistanceComputations/Simulations: theoretical physics and chemistry of materials, molecular dynamics simulations, electronic structure calculationsBiomaterials: biopolymers, biofilms, bioimplants bioMEMS, biosensors, cells, tissues and organs, regenerative medicine and clinical performanceNanomaterials: nanotubes, nanoparticles, nanowires, quantum dots, nanocrystals, nanomedicineApplications: electronics, optics, photonics, opto-electronics, magnetics, sensors, catalysts, coatings, adhesives, prosthetics, drug delivery, medicine
- Materials Express is an open access journal, which provides free access to all its articles to anyone.
- Please prepare your manuscript according to Instructions for Authors.
- Publication Fee: USD 1,180 per paper
- Paper Submission Deadline: February 28, 2021
- Paper Submission System
- Materials Express Full Paper Format
- Materials Express Graphical Abstract
- Materials Express JNN Copyright Transfer Agreement
It is sole responsibility of the authors to submit their final accepted manuscript in correct English language, free of all typographical/grammatical errors to meet high publishing standards. All authors from non-English language countries should get their final accepted manuscripts copyedited by professional copyediting services at author's own expense. All copyediting services are fully paid for and arranged by the authors. Manuscripts will be processed for publication on a condition that authors submit a certificate of proof along with their final accepted manuscript. A list of professional copyediting editing services can be found below.

Thin Solid Films 
Thin Solid Films is an international journal which serves scientists and engineers working in the fields of thin-film synthesis, characterization, and applications. The field of thin films, which can be defined as the confluence of materials science, surface science, and applied physics, has become an identifiable unified discipline of scientific endeavor.
- Topics
The scope of Thin Solid Films is indicated by, but not limited to, the following topical subheadings:
A. Synthesis and CharacterizationB. Surfaces, Interfaces, and Colloidal BehaviourC. Metallurgical, Protective, and Hard LayersD. Mechanics and Nanomechanics of Thin LayersE. Electronics, Optics, and Opto-electronicsF. Magnetics and Magneto-opticsG. SuperconductivityH. Langmuir—Blodgett, Biological, and Related FilmsI. Thin Film Devices, Sensors, and ActuatorsJ. Condensed Matter Film Behaviour.
- Please prepare your manuscript according to Instructions for Authors.
- It will be published in the online form of Virtual Special Issue(VSI) with no hard copy version for faster processing.
- The first submission date: 17 Jan 2021 (Elsevier System open for submissions)
- The final submission deadline: 31 Jan 2021 (The last date until which Elsevier System will be open for new submissions)
- The final acceptance deadline (for guest editors): 31 Apr 2021 (Final decision on each of the manuscript must have been made by this date)
- Publication Fee: Free
- The submission website for this journal is located at :
- To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into the special issue you are editing, it is important that authors select 'VSI: 8th ICMAP and 9th ISFM' when they reach the "Article Type" step in the submission process. Please make sure authors are given this instruction when you send out invitation letters and/or instructions to potential authors.

Functional Materials Letter 
Functional Materials Letters is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal for original contributions to research on the synthesis, behavior and characterization of functional materials. The journal seeks to provide a rapid forum for the communication of novel research of high quality and with an interdisciplinary flavor. The journal is an ideal forum for communication amongst materials scientists and engineers, chemists and chemical engineers, and physicists in the dynamic fields associated with functional materials.
Functional materials are designed to make use of their natural or engineered functionalities to respond to changes in electrical and magnetic fields, physical and chemical environment, etc. These design considerations are fundamentally different to those relevant for structural materials and are the focus of this journal. Functional materials play an increasingly important role in the development of the field of materials science and engineering.
- Topics
- The scope of the journal covers theoretical and experimental studies of functional materials, characterization and new applications-related research on functional materials in macro-, micro- and nano-scale science and engineering. Among the topics covered are ferroelectric, multiferroic, ferromagnetic, magneto-optical, optoelectric, thermoelectric, energy conversion and energy storage, sustainable energy and shape memory materials.
- The First Submission Date : Jan. 17, 2021 (Submit manuscript using the journal submission system with banner of ISFM2021.)
- The Deadlines of Submission will be Feb. 28, 2021.
- Please prepare your manuscript according to Instructions for Authors.
- The Number of Publication : 20 papers
- Publication Fee: Free

Applied Science and Convergence Technology (ASCT) 
The Korean Vacuum Society launched its official journal in 1992 under the name of Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society (JKVS; p-ISSN 1225-8822) as a quarterly journal, and it has been published in bimonthly since 2006. ASCT has succeeded JKVS as an online journal since 2014.
Applied Science and Convergence Technology (Appl. Sci. Converg. Technol ., ASCT; e-ISSN 2288-6559) is currently abstracted and indexed in SCOPUS and KCI (Korea Journal Citation Index) ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index).
ASCT is indexed in DOI/Crossref, Google Scholar; Science Central, an archive of scientific society journal literatures at the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST); Korea Science, the open platform for Korean scholarly publications of the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI); and the Korea Citation Index (KCI), an academic database of National Research Foundation of Korea . It also has been listed in the "Excellent Accredited Journal" since 2017, where only a few of the best journals in KCI are selected.
- Topics
Applied Science and Convergence Technology (Appl. Sci. Converg. Technol ., ASCT; e-ISSN 2288-6559) is a bimonthly published international peer-reviewed online journal. It aims to enhance the knowledge of applied science and technologies and vacuum by providing the researchers with easily accessible research information via the web.
ASCT pursues its advancement through the research paper, review paper, rapid communications, brief reports, and technical papers. It is concerned not only at scientists and researchers in the fields it covers but also at those in other fields who are interested in the following fields.Vacuum technologySurface and interface sciencePlasma and displaySemiconductors and thin filmsNano science and biointerfaceEnergy technology
- Guide For Authors
- How To Submit a Manuscript
- E-Submission
- Publication Fee: $300 per paper
- Paper Submission Deadline: March 31, 2021

Physics of Plasmas 
- The invited speakers to be presented in session 2, 4, 5, and 6 of the ICMAP are invited to submit their original papers in a Special Topic on "Plasma Physics and Science in Current and Next Generation Semiconductor Process" to appear in Physics of Plasmas (Guest Editor: Hyo-Chang Lee, email:, a journal published by the American Institute of Physics (AIP).
- The papers will undergo regular anonymous peer-review and should be submitted by invitation only.

Plasma Research Express 
Plasma Research Express is a broad, multidisciplinary journal devoted to publishing new experimental and theoretical research covering all areas of fundamental, engineering, and applied plasma science at low and high temperatures. Plasma Research Express welcomes contributions reporting the underlying physics mechanisms and their wide implications through the viewpoint of plasma science, to connect the interdisciplinary applications of a wide range of temperature and density of plasmas.
- Topics
Topics of particular interest include:
Plasma science and technology for interdisciplinary applications to materials science, nanotechnology, micro-optics, medicine and biology, chemistry and processing, and environmental technologyHigh temperature plasmas and controlled fusionLaser-plasma, high energy density plasma science, and warm dense matterPlasma diagnostics, plasma instrumentation and facilitiesPlasma modelling and simulationsNonlinear phenomena in natural and laboratory plasmasDesign rules and operation mechanisms of plasmas sources for industrial applicationsInstabilities and turbulence in astrophysical and space plasmasFundamental principles and data for plasma-surface interactionsElectromagnetic interactions of charged particles and beamsData-driven plasma science
- Author guideline
- Publication Fee: Free
- Special Topic: 'Plasma Process Technology - Sources, Diagnostics, Monitoring, Modeling, and Simulation'
- Paper Submission Deadline: April 30, 2021
- Guest Editor: Sooseok Choi
Looking further ahead, the team at IOPP can create on online landing page for the Special Issue - example here - and work with the Guest Editor(s) to build the information on the page.
Once articles are submitted (via the journal’s ScholarOne system), our in-house peer review team will handle all items relating to peer review: initial selection of reviewers, invitations to review, and then follow-up with reviewers to ensure we receive the requisite 2 complete reviewer reports for each paper. For clarity, Guest Editors will not need to be involved directly in reviewing all articles. We will only need to approach the Guest Editors in specific cases, such as: to check to see that a reviewer is suitable to invite; to offer an adjudication (where reviewer reports offer a contrasting views on a paper e.g. one accept, one reject), and so forth. We can, of course, keep the Guest Editor(s) updated on the status of papers submitted to the Special Issue, as necessary.

Micromachines (ISSN 2072-666X) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal, which provides an advanced forum for studies on micro/nano-scaled structures, materials, devices and systems. The journal publishes reviews, original research articles, and communications in this field. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their theoretical and experimental results in as much detail as possible. Therefore, there is no restriction on the length of the papers or the number of electronic supplementary files. Full details on experiments, materials and methods must be provided for a research article so that the results can be reproduced.
- Topics
Research topics covered (but not limited to): Special issue "Microplasma technology and applications in MEMS"
Microplasma physicsMicroplasma generationMicroplasma sensors (Gas, Liquid, Temperature, Pressure, etc.)Surface modificationMicroplasma applications (Bio-medicine, environment, nanomaterial synthesis, etc.)Micro and nano machining fabrication
- Please prepare you manuscript according to Instruction for Authors.
- Publication Fee: 1600 CHF (Swiss Francs)
- Paper Submission Deadline: August 31, 2021
- Special Issue "Microplasma technology and applications in MEMS" : Go to Submission

Catalysts (ISSN 2073-4344) is an international open access journal of catalysts and catalyzed reactions. Catalysts publishes reviews, regular research papers (articles) and short communications. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. Therefore, there is no restriction on the length of the papers. The full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced.
- Topics
PhotocatalysisElectrocatalysisEnvironmental catalysisBiocatalysis, enzymes, enzyme catalysisCatalysis for biomass conversionOrganocatalysis, catalysis in organic and polymer chemistryNanostructured CatalystsCatalytic materialsComputational catalysisKinetics of catalytic reactions
- If you would like to submit the paper to a special Issue named 'State-of-the-Art Nanostructured Catalysts in Asia'), please submit the paper by the end of the February, 2021.
- Please prepare you manuscript according to Instruction for Authors.
- The Number of Publication : Max. 15 papers
- Publication Fee: 2000 CHF (Swiss Francs)